Inicio Tecnología Fortnite’s Marshmello concert was the game’s biggest event ever

Fortnite’s Marshmello concert was the game’s biggest event ever


When Marshmello took the stage inside of Fortnite earlier this month, it wasn’t just a glimpse of the future — it was also the biggest moment in Fortnite’s history. According to developer Epic Games, 10.7 million people attended the concert, which tops the previous largest in-game event; back in November, 8.3 million people witnessed the destruction of a strange purple cube.

It’s also important to note that the 10.7 million number only includes those who experienced the concert in-game. If you factor in those who watched it live-streamed on Twitch and other platforms, the number will definitely be much larger, and the official recap of the event has nearly 27 million views on YouTube.

It’s a good sign that, despite increased competition, Fortnite still remains an immensely popular game. And Epic will look to keep that momentum going as the battle royale heads into its much anticipated eighth season next week. Already, the game is being changed in the lead-up, with a series of earthquakes literally rocking the Fortnite island and a brand-new hoverboard for getting around.

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