Inicio Tecnología Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé is retiring

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé is retiring


One of Nintendo’s most public faces is leaving the company. Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé announced today that he is retiring, with his last day scheduled for April 15th.

“Nintendo owns a part of my heart forever,” Fils-Aimé said in a statement. “It’s a part that is filled with gratitude — for the incredibly talented people I’ve worked with, for the opportunity to represent such a wonderful brand, and most of all, to feel like a member of the world’s most positive and enduring gamer community. As I look forward to departing in both good health and good humor, this is not ‘game over’ for me, but instead ‘leveling up’ to more time with my wife, family and friends.”

Fils-Aimé has been a very prominent figure at Nintendo over the years, particularly as a spokesperson. He regularly hosts live onstage events at conferences like E3, and has become something of a meme. Just Google “my body is ready.” He’s been at the company since 2003, overseeing some of Nintendo’s biggest successes, most notably the blockbuster Wii and, more recently, the surprise hit Switch. Fils-Aimé will be replaced by the aptly named Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s marketing boss, who joined the company in 2015.

“It has been my great fortune to work with and be mentored by Reggie for four years at Nintendo of America,” Bowser said in a statement.

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